Top 5 Archery Organizations
by Elevation Equipped on April 7, 2022

Photo: Competition Archery Media
For those looking to pursue a new challenge and scratch a competitive itch, there are few better activities for all ages than competition archery.
Requiring some strength and focus, archers can range from under 10 years old and shoot all the way into their golden years.
There are also a variety of competitions and tournaments ranging from local, regional, national, or traveling events like the Total Archery Challenge.
Joining an archery organization is a perfect way to gain valuable knowledge and experience while also competing against friends and family and meeting other archery enthusiasts.
Whether you just started shooting, or grew up shooting and are looking to expand your skills, check out these top five archery organizations that just may help you along in your archery journey.

Photo: Competition Archery Media
1. ASA
Boasting over 330 clubs in 37 states, the Archery Shooters Association (ASA) promotes quality rules and standards as their cornerstone for enjoying the sport of outdoor 3D archery.
Their events challenge archers by shooting at foam 3D animal replica targets at a variety of distances, species, and angles.
Their focus is to get archers shooting their bows and having fun while competing.
They offer a large network of members and host shooting local, regional, and Pro/Am events.
Welcoming shooters of all backgrounds and skill levels, this could be the best place to start if 3D archery interests you.

Photo: Competition Archery Media
2. IBO
The International Bowhunting Organization (IBO), is investing its efforts in bowhunting in the long haul.
Their mission is to grow the sport of bowhunting at the grassroots level and fight for it in the political forums of all levels.
They understand with no game to chase bowhunting can’t survive, so they work with several state agencies to promote the conservation of all species and habitats.
As human impact affects the landscapes with urban and suburban sprawl, the IBO is there to work with state agencies to nurture the growth of bowhunting and carry the torch for all bowhunters in the generations to come.
You can help them in their mission by signing up for a membership or participating in one of their tournaments on their website
Welcoming and promoting almost all forms of archery to archers of all ages, shapes, and sizes, the National Field Archery Association sponsors a wide variety of tournaments and educational programs all year long.
NFAA tournaments can be indoors or outdoors and utilize traditional paper targets.
They are aiming to bring together archers of all the 50 states into a cohesive archery organization that supports and grows the sport of archery for purposes of target shooting and bowhunting.
You can earn awards by taking part in their programs or cold hard cash if you win one of their sponsored tournaments.
Membership will also land a yearly subscription of their magazine in your mailbox so you can read about what your fellow members are accomplishing.

Photo: Competition Archery Media
4. USA Archery
USA Archery is the organization that selects and sends United States archers to the Olympics.
They also help foster and educate any archers willing to learn while also hosting a variety of events around the country.
They offer memberships open to all interested from Junior Olympic development programs, to Adult Archery memberships for those looking to shoot for many years to come.
Their “Try Archery” education program is perfect for someone who doesn’t know where to start and will put you in contact with your local USA Archery club.
5. World Archery
The governing body for the sport of archery across the globe, World Archery promotes the sport of archery in its five distinct regions of the world.
Its mission is to bring the sport of archery to all in the world and make it a unifying activity across borders and cultures.
Their values are “precision, intensity, innovation, heritage, fair play, and sport for fall.”
If you’re looking for educational videos and resources, or want to know more about the top archers in the world, World Archery is the place for you!

Photo Credit: Competition Archery Media
Best Archery Organizations Recap
The internet has certainly made the world a smaller more accessible place, so learning about the sport of archery has never been easier.
Don’t get intimidated or overwhelmed, start small and see what’s going on at your local club, it could lead to a lifetime of enjoyment taking part in the sport of archery with the wonderful archery organizations we mentioned.
For more target archery and bowhunting content, be sure to stop back and check out our future blog posts at Elevation’s Blog.
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